Kaelyn: age 15
"Kelley Riley has been one of the most influential people in my life. When I was 12 years old, she entered my life as our nanny at a time when I was figuring out who I was. I did not have many adult figures with whom I felt close to, so of course I was skeptical. Almost immediately, I knew that Kelley would be there for me. She knew what I needed and figured me out pretty quickly. She showed me new things, taught me photography, and became someone I could go to for advice.
Kelley taught me how to be confident with who I am. I was teaching myself guitar because of my fascination for Taylor Swift, and I was pretty bad starting off. Kelley always had confidence in my abilities and would sing along with me pretty much everyday after school.
Kelley is one of the most kind-hearted and generous people I know. She never stops giving to others, and she makes you happy when you’re down. I was so fortunate to have her as a nanny growing up and I strive to emulate all of her many shining, positive characteristics.
So when people ask me who my role model is, I say Kelley Riley. Because she has been there for me when I needed her most. Her presence in the most formative years of my life transformed me into the person I am today. I am so lucky to have had such an inspiring individual in my life."
Sandra: parent
"Kelley Riley is truly a gift. She brought something amazing to our house that none of the rest of us had or have. She was fully engaged with the kids and provided hands on attention and interaction that was unsurpassed. She has a love for nature, the arts, music, and really just in life especially in the one on one interaction between two humans that I can't really explain. Being a business owner in the finance field I simply don't have those gifts of focus, ability to just sit with the kids and interact and the creative spirit to get them doing and being in so many ways. She is meant to be with a child or children who can benefit from her incredible talents of working with them. She has a heart of gold and a love for the most important things in life--time together, encouragement, support, patience, music, laughter, nature and creativity. I found overtime that I truly relied on Kelley as a support in so many ways.”
Jess: parent
"I booked Kelley this summer to have her take pictures of my two boys who are four and two. I didn't know what to expect or how the kids would interact with her. Right off the bat she was amazing with them. She got down right to their level and bonded immediately. They were so comfortable with her that she took them on her own and captured the most beautiful pictures I've ever had of the boys. Right after our session was over I booked another session with her for the fall. I highly recommend Kelley for her level of professionalism, creativity, and most importantly how amazing she is working with children."
Carla: parent
"I feel so grateful that I hired Kelley to take pictures of my children. she worked with them for one hour and in that time she was able to truly capture their personalities. She relaxed them and made them laugh and smile in a way that showed their hearts to the world. I know that one day I will look back at these photos and remember the little things about my children. . . my son's crooked smile, the way my daughter closes her eyes when she giggles, and the playful way they look at each other. Kelley has a gift and I am so thankful she shared it with me."